Viva Group has been honoured with the Best Publisher Award 2022 by the Delhi State Booksellers & Publishers' Association.





Preventing a New Generation of Conflict

  • By: Markus E. Bouillon, David M. Malone, Ben Rowswell

₹625.50 ₹695.00 Save: ₹69.50 (10%)

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ISBN: 9788130931111

Bind: Paperback

Year: 2015

Pages: 352

Size: 153 x 229 mm

Publisher: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.

Published in India by: Viva Books

Exclusive Distributors: Viva Books

Sales Territory: India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka


“The authors of this insightful volume make an eloquent and convincing case.... Drawing on many sources of expertise, they debate each other and in doing so engage readers searching for an image of what a sustainable peace might be for war-torn Iraq.”
MICHAEL DOYLE, Harold Brown Professor of US Foreign and
Security Policy, Columbia University

“This volume brings together many authoritative voices, all offering options to help avoid the worst in Iraq. The editors have done a masterful job of eliciting a broad range of informed opinion, allowing readers to draw conclusions of their own.”
—LAKHDAR BRAHMI, Former UN Special Political Advisor and Special
Representative of the Secretary-General in Iraq and Afghanistan

“At last, a book on the Iraqis themselves and on the future of their country, rather than on the geopolitics of the Iraq crisis. It is an essential guide for those who are interested in how we outside the country might serve Iraqi aspirations, rather than projecting our own fantasies into the fate of that suffering country.”
—SIR BRIAN URQUHART, former UN Under-Secretary General for
Special Political Affairs

“This essential book emphasizes the importance for us, Iraqis, to lay the foundations for a new and inclusive social contract. It sheds light on how we can work amongst ourselves, with our neighbors, and with the international community to prevent the loss of yet  another generation of Iraqis to conflict and instability.”
—BAKHTAR AMIN, Iraq's Minister of Human Rights, 2004-2005


An enduring epicenter of conflict and instability in the Middle East, Iraq has not only experienced domestic upheavals, but also generated threats to international peace and security for more than 25 years. Is an end to the violence, and the establishment of an enduring peace within a unified state, a realistic goal? How can it be achieved, and what may stand in its way? Addressing these questions and arguing that a downward spiral of violence and possible state collapse can be avoided, the authors of Iraq: Preventing a New Generation of Conflict consider the sources of conflict in the country and outline the requirements for a successful peacebuilding enterprise.

Target Audience:
People interested in political science and international relations.


Looking Back: State Fragility and a Generation of Conflict • the Editors

IRAQ IN TURMOIL  State Collapse and the Rise of Identity Politics • T. Dodge  Iraq's Identity Crisis. Marr Three Wars Later...Iraqi Living Conditions • J. Pedersen Islamism, Nationalism, and Sectarianism • A.Sidahmed • Sunni Factions and the Political Process • R. Meijer  Shia Militias in Iraqi Politics • J. Cole  Kirkuk as a Peacebuilding Test Case • J.R. Hiltermann

TOWARD A STABLE PEACE •  Forging an Inclusive and Enduring Social Contract • N. Haysom •  Making Federalism Work • D. Cameron • Liberal Consociational vs. Conflict Management • J. McGarry •  Federalizing Natural Resources • B. OLeary • US Policy and Diplomacy • J. Dobbins • Iraq's Arab Neighbors • J.B. Alterman • Securing Iraq: The Mismatch of Demand and Supply • N. Bensahel •  Protection of Civilians • P. Gassmann • Dilemmas of Donor Assistance • M. Bell •  Strategic Coordination for International Engagement • B. Jones

Looking Ahead: Preventing a New Generation of Conflict -the Editors


About the Authors:

Markus E. Bouillon
 is head of the IPA's Middle East Program. Previously political adviser on the Middle East peace process at the UN, he is author of The Peace Business: Money and Power in the Palestine-Israel Conflict.

David M. Malone returned to the Canadian Foreign Service after serving for six years as president of the International Peace Academy (IPA) .
Ben Rowswell, Canada's diplomatic representative in Iraq in 2003-2005, continues to serve in the Canadian Foreign Service and is also senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.


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