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Introduction to Public Health, 5/e

Introduction to Public Health, 5/e

Introduction to Public Health, 5/e

  • By: Mary-Jane Schneider

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ISBN: 9789384323257

Bind: Paperback

Year: 2017

Pages: 624

Size: 197 x 242 mm

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Published in India by: Jones & Bartlett India

Exclusive Distributors: Viva Books

Sales Territory: India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka


" of the most interestingly organized books about public health I have ever seen. The chapter structure is more inquisitive or intellectual and less about rote memorization.... a welcome surprise in a large field of materials."

Patricia Wren, Oakland University



Introduction to Public Health, Fifth Edition offers a thorough, accessible overview of the expanding field of public health for students new to its concepts and actors. Written in engaging, nontechnical language, this best-selling text explains in clear terms the multi-disciplinary strategies and methods used for measuring, assessing, and promoting public health.

Packed with illustrative real-world examples, this updated edition provides students with informative discussions of the current technical issues and practical obstacles facing public health practitioners and policymakers alike.

In her unique style, author Mary Jane Schneider goes beyond the science of Public Health with a hard look at the politics that put these topics in the headlines. Readers will come away with a broad-reaching, practical framework for understanding the multifaceted forces and organizations of today's public health enterprise.

Key Features:

  • Up-to-date coverage of the newest developments in infectious disease, injury control, environmental health controversies, the reform of the American healthcare system, and more
  • Vivid presentation of Public Health principles through current stories in the news, such as Ebola in the United States, e-cigarettes, eating disorders, the California Measles outbreak, and traumatic brain injury in the NFL
  • Extensive discussion of current topics including population growth and climate change as contributors to drought, wars, and migrations in the Middle East; and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act in the United States


Target Audience: 

Public health practitioners and policymakers alike.





Prologue: Public Health in the News

PART I: What Is Public Health?

 Chapter 1: Public Health: Science, Politics, and Prevention • What Is Public Health? • Public Health versus Medical Care • The Sciences of Public Health • Prevention and Intervention • Public Health and Terrorism • Conclusion • References

Chapter 2: Why Is Public Health Controversial? • Economic Impact • Individual Liberty • Moral and Religious Opposition • Political Interference with Science • Conclusion • References

Chapter 3: Powers and Responsibilities of Government • Federal versus State Authority • How the Law Works • How Public Health Is Organized and Paid for in the United States • Local Public Health Agencies • State Health Departments • Federal Agencies Involved with Public Health • Nongovernmental Role in Public Health • Conclusion • References

PART II: Analytical Methods of Public Health 

Chapter 4: Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health • How Epidemiology Works • A Typical Epidemiologic Investigation-Outbreak of Hepatitis • Legionnaires? Disease • Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome • Epidemiology and the Causes of Chronic Disease • Heart Disease • Lung Cancer • Conclusion • References

Chapter 5: Epidemiologic Principles and Methods • Kinds of Epidemiologic Studies • Conclusion • References

Chapter 6: Problems and Limits of Epidemiology • Problems with Studying Humans • Sources of Error • Proving Cause and Effect • Epidemiologic Studies of Hormone Replacement Therapy-Confusing Results • Ethics in Epidemiology • Conflicts of Interest in Drug Trials • Conclusion • References

Chapter 7: Statistics: Making Sense of Uncertainty • The Uncertainty of Science • Probability • The Statistics of Screening Tests • Rates and Other Calculated Statistics • Risk Assessment and Risk Perception • Cost-Benefit Analysis and Other Evaluation Methods • Conclusion • References

Chapter 8: The Role of Data in Public Health • Vital Statistics • The Census • NCHS Surveys and Other Sources of Health Data • Is So Much Data Really Necessary? • Accuracy and Availability of Data • Confidentiality of Data • Conclusion • References

PART III: Biomedical Basis of Public Health 

Chapter 9: The ?Conquest? of Infectious Diseases • Infectious Agents • Means of Transmission • Chain of Infection • Rabies • Smallpox, Measles, and Polio • Fear of Vaccines • Conclusion • References

Chapter 10: The Resurgence of Infectious Diseases • The Biomedical Basis of AIDS • Ebola • Other Emerging Viruses • Influenza • New Bacterial Threats • Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB) • Prions • Public Health Response to Emerging Infections • Public Health and the Threat of Bioterrorism • Conclusion • References

Chapter 11: The Biomedical Basis of Chronic Diseases • Cardiovascular Disease • Cancer • Diabetes • Other Chronic Diseases • Conclusion • References

Chapter 12: Genetic Diseases and Other Inborn Errors • Environmental Teratogens • Genetic Diseases • Genetic and Newborn Screening Programs • Genomic Medicine • Ethical Issues and Genetic Diseases • Conclusion • References

PART IV: Social and Behavioral Factors in Health 

Chapter 13: Do People Choose Their Own Health? • Education • Regulation • Does Prohibition Work? • Conclusion • References

Chapter 14: How Psychosocial Factors Affect Health Behavior • Health of Minority Populations • Stress and Social Support • Psychological Models of Health Behavior • Ecological Model of Health Behavior • Health Promotion Programs • Changing the Environment • Conclusion • References

Chapter 15: Public Health Enemy Number One: Tobacco • Biomedical Basis of Smoking's Harmful Effects • Historical Trends in Smoking and Health • Regulatory Restrictions on Smoking-New Focus on Environmental Tobacco Smoke • Advertising???Emphasis on Youth • Taxes as a Public Health Measure • California's Tobacco Control Program • The Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) • FDA Regulation • Electronic Cigarettes • Conclusion • References

Chapter 16: Public Health Enemy Number Two and Growing: Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity • Epidemiology of Obesity • Diet and Nutrition • Promoting Healthy Eating • Physical Activity and Health • How Much Exercise Is Enough, and How Much Do People Get? • Promoting Physical Activity • Confronting the Obesity Epidemic • Conclusion • References

Chapter 17: Injuries Are Not Accidents • Epidemiology of Injuries • Analyzing Injuries • Motor Vehicle Injuries • Pedestrians, Motorcyclists, and Bicyclists • Poisoning • Firearms Injuries • Occupational Injuries • Injury from Domestic Violence • Nonfatal Traumatic Brain Injuries • Tertiary Prevention • Conclusion • References

Chapter 18: Maternal and Child Health as a Social Problem • Maternal and Infant Mortality • Infant Mortality???Health Problem or Social Problem? • Preventing Infant Mortality • Family Planning and Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy • Nutrition of Women and Children • Children's Health and Safety • Conclusion • References

Chapter 19: Mental Health: Public Health Includes Healthy Minds • Major Categories of Mental Disorders • Anxiety • Psychosis • Disturbances of Mood • Disturbances of Cognition • Epidemiology • Causes and Prevention • Children • Eating Disorders • Mental Health in Adulthood • Mental Health in Older Adults • Treatment • Conclusion • References

PART V: Environmental Issues in Public Health

Chapter 20: A Clean Environment: The Basis of Public Health • Role of Government in Environmental Health • Identification of Hazards • Pesticides and Industrial Chemicals • Occupational Exposures- Workers as Guinea Pigs • New Source of Pollution “Factory Farms” • Setting Standards???How Safe Is Safe? • Risk-Benefit Analysis • Conclusion • References

Chapter 21: Clean Air: Is It Safe to Breathe? • Criteria Air Pollutants • Strategies for Meeting Standards • Indoor Air Quality • Global Effects of Air Pollution • Conclusion • References

Chapter 22: Clean Water: A Limited Resource • Clean Water Act • Safe Drinking Water • Dilemmas in Compliance • Is the Water Supply Running Out? • Conclusion • References

Chapter 23: Solid and Hazardous Wastes: What to Do with the Garbage? • Sanitary Landfills • Alternatives to Landfills • Hazardous Wastes • Coal Ash • Conclusion • References

Chapter 24: Safe Food and Drugs: An Ongoing Regulatory Battle • Causes of Foodborne Illness • Government Action to Prevent Foodborne Disease • Additives and Contaminants • Drugs and Cosmetics • Food and Drug Labeling and Advertising • Politics of the FDA • Conclusion • References

Chapter 25: Population: The Ultimate Environmental Health Issue • Public Health and Population Growth • Global Impact of Population Growth-Depletion of Resources • Global Impact of Population Growth-Climate Change • Dire Predictions and Fragile Hope • Conclusion • References

PART VI: Medical Care and Public Health 

Chapter 26: Is the Medical Care System a Public Health Issue? • When Medical Care Is a Public Health Responsibility • The Conflict Between Public Health and the Medical Profession • Licensing and Regulation • Ethical and Legal Issues in Medical Care • Ethical Issues in Medical Resource Allocation • Conclusion • References

Chapter 27: Why the U.S. Medical System Needs Reform • Problems with Access • Why Do Costs Keep Rising? • Approaches to Controlling Medical Costs • Managed Care and Beyond • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act • Rationing • Conclusion • References

Chapter 28: Health Services Research: Finding What Works • Reasons for Practice Variations • The Field of Dreams Effect • Outcomes Research • Quality • Medical Care Report Cards • Inequities in Medical Care • The Relative Importance of Medical Care for Public Health • Conclusion • References

Chapter 29: Public Health and the Aging Population • The Aging of the Population-Trends • Health Status of the Older Population • General Approaches to Maximizing Health in Old Age • Preventing Disease and Disability in Old Age • Medical Costs of the Elderly • Proposals for Rationing • Conclusion • References

PART VII: The Future of Public Health 

Chapter 30: Emergency Preparedness, Post-9/11 • Types of Disasters and Public Health Responses • New York's Response to the World Trade Center Attacks • Response to Hurricane Katrina • Principles of Emergency Planning and Preparedness • Bioterrorism Preparedness • Pandemic Flu • Conclusion • References

Chapter 31: Public Health in the Twenty-First Century: Achievements and Challenges • Challenges for the 21st Century • Strategic Planning for Public Health • Dashed Hopes for the Integration of Public Health and Medical Practice • Information Technology • The Challenge of Biotechnology • The Ultimate Challenge to Public Health in the Twenty-First Century • Conclusion • References




About the Author:

Mary-Jane Schneider, PhD-School of Public Health, University at Albany, State University of New York, Rensselaer 

Mary Jane Schneider is the Director of Interdisciplinary Programs and Clinical Associate Professor of Health Policy, Management, and Behavior at the School of Public Health, University at Albany, State University of New York, Rensselaer.


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