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Athereal Multiverse

Athereal Multiverse

Athereal Multiverse

A New Unifying Theoretical Approach to Particle Physics, Cosmology and Quantum Gravity

  • By: Lukasz Andrzej Glinka

₹2,695.50 ₹2,995.00 Save: ₹299.50 (10%)

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ISBN: 9789386105301

Bind: Hardbound

Year: 2017

Pages: 830

Size: 153 x 229 mm

Publisher: Cambridge International Science Publishing

Published in India by: Viva Books

Exclusive Distributors: Viva Books

Sales Territory: India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka


Athereal Multiverse is an attempt to demonstrate that it is possible to make real efficiently the conceptual fusion of two most fundamental concepts of the natural philosophy of Antiquity — --ther and Multiverse — which lay the foundations of the Aristotelian and the Epicurean—Islamic—Hinduistic systems of thought, respectively, and in the present-day state of affairs constitute the basis of human understanding of the world we live in.

This book is first of all the proposal of the unifying approach to particle physics, cosmology, and quantum gravity based on the most essential pieces of modern theoretical physics — Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Special Relativity, General Relativity, and Thermodynamics — and creates fruitful methodological background to solve the intriguing problems of high energy physics, cosmology, and gravitational physics.

This book presents the advanced analysis between theoretical physics and cosmology arising from a certain fundamental and well-established knowledge.

It is easy assimilable for both the beginning as well as professional scientists, researchers, and academics whose are interested in constructive applications of the fundamental knowledge.


Target Audience:

Suitable for beginning as well as professional scientists, researchers, and academicians interested in particle physics, cosmology and quantum gravity.



Preface •  Prologue

I Cosmology

Chapter 1: Quantum Cosmology • Introduction • Einstein-Friedmann Universe • Quantization of Hamiltonian Constraint • Thermodynamics of Multiverse • Early Light Multiverse -  Summary

Chapter 2: Inflationary Multiverse • Outlook on Inflationary Cosmology • Power Law Inflaton • Higgs-Hubble Inflaton • Cosmology of Higgs-Hubble Inflaton • Phononic Hubble Inflaton • Inflaton Constant • Cosmological Uncertainty Principle

Chapter 3: Massive Gravitons • Outlook on Gravitational Waves • Einstein's Gravitational Waves • Cosmological Perturbations • Perturbative Graviton • Massless Limit • Massive Gravitons • Electromagnetic Gravity • Summary


II Particle Physics

Chapter 4:  Two Scalar Field-Based Mass Generation Mechanisms • Introduction • Higgs Potential • Modified Higgs Potential -  Summary

Chapter 5: Snyder-Sidharth Deformation • Linear Deformation • Dirac Equation and New Algebra • Alternative Identifications • Snyder-Sidharth Hamiltonian • Fermions • Bosons • Modified Compton Effect • Relativistic Approach • Relativistic Limit. Lensing Hypothesis • Modified Compton Equation • Dispersional Generalization

Chapter 6: Neutrinos: Masses & Chiral Condensate • Snyder Quantized Space-Time • Outlook on Non-Commutative Geometry • Massive Neutrinos • Compton-Planck Scale • Global Effective Chiral Condensate • Conclusion

Chapter 7: Neutrinos: Energy Renormalization & Integrability • Introduction • Energy Renormalization • Integrability Problem for Dirac Equations • Integrability Problem for Weyl Equations • Dirac Basis • Weyl Basis • Space-Time Evolution • Probability Density. Normalization • Ultra-Relativistic Massive Neutrinos

Chapter 8: Ab Initio Deformed Relativity: Superluminal Neutrinos • Introduction • Superluminal Speeds • Non-Parallelism Hypothesis • Ab Initio Deformation • Ab Initio Energy-Momentum Relation • Energy-Momentum Interval • Violated Poincar-- Invariance • Restoration of Poincar-- Invariance • Vanishing Effective Mass • Unit Shift Vector • OPERA Neutrinos

Chapter 9: Magnetic Monopoles & Dyons • Outlook on Yang-Mills Gauge Field Theories • Dirac & Wu-Yang Monopole • -t Hooft-Polyakov Monopole • Julia-Zee Dyons • Generalization of Bogomol-nyi Equations


III Quantum Gravity

Chapter 10: Review of Quantum General Relativity • Arnowitt-Deser-Misner Decomposition • Classical and Quantum Geometrodynamics • Wheeler Superspace • Problems of Geometrodynamics • Alternative Approaches to Quantum Gravity

Chapter 11: Global One-Dimensionality Conjecture • Introduction • --Scalar-Flat Space-Times • Ansatz for Wave Functionals • Field Quantization in Static Fock Space • Several Implications • Global 1D Wave Function • Unitary Three-Manifolds • Fourier Analysis • Quantum Correlations

Chapter 12: Invariant Global Dimension • Invariant Global Quantum Gravity • One-Dimensional Dirac Equation • Cauchy-like Wave Functionals • Inverted Transformation • Hilbert Space and Superposition • Problem of Time

Chapter 13: Examples of Invariant 1D Wave Functions • Minkowski Space-Time • Kasner Space-Time • Schwarzschild Space-Time • (Anti-) De Sitter Space-Time • (Anti-) De Sitter-Schwarzschild Space-Time • Kerr Space-Time • Kerr-Newman Space-Time • Reissner-Nordstr--m Space-Time • G--del Space-Time • Einstein-Rosen Space-Time • Taub-Newman-Unti-Tamburino Space-Time

Chapter 14: Functional Objective Geometry • Effective Scalar Curvature • Newton-Coulomb Potential • Residual Approximation • Newton-Coulomb Quantum Gravity • Quantum Mechanical Interpretation • Boundary Conditions for Wave Functionals • Boundary Conditions I • Boundary Conditions II • Boundary Conditions III

Chapter 15: Ab Initio Thermodynamics of Space Quanta --ther • Entropy I: Analytic Approach • Entropy II: Algebraic Approach -  Summary

Chapter 16: Higher Dimensional Quantum Gravity • Higher Dimensional Geometrodynamics • Higher Dimensional Global Optimization • D-Dimensional Global One Dimensionality • Reduction of Wheeler-DeWitt Equation • One-Dimensional Dirac Equation • Field Quantization in Static Fock Rep--re • Gauge Quantum Gravity • Space Dimension: Relation to String Theory • Discussion


IV Addendum

Photon Mass & Wave-Particle Duality • Introduction • Non-Zero Photon Mass • Discussion

Navier-Stokes Equations • The Millennium Problem • Smooth Solutions • Continuity Equation • Equation for Pressure • Equation for Velocity Field • Divergence-Free Velocity • Explicit Using of Continuity Equation • Conclusion





About the Author:

Lukasz Andrzej Glinka (born 1984 in Poland) is the internationally renowned theoretical physicist specializing in cosmology, high energy physics, and gravitational physics. His scientific achievements include more than 40 research papers devoted to quantum cosmology, particle physics and quantum gravity. This monograph collects his non-coauthored research results for the period 2006-2011, revised and enlarged by new developments, which he has worked out at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) and the International Institute for Applicable Mathematics and Information Sciences (Hyderabad, India & Udine, Italy).


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